Friday, November 23, 2012

Digi Stamps and a tea party....

Have you heard yet about Hatter's Hope

Sammi, aka Mad for Markers, has been designing some new digi stamps and the first release is out now....
and check out the fabulous creations by the Hatter's Hope DT.

And for some extra fun, work out which image and which DT member created each of these little sneak peaks....




Someone who comments HERE (randomly selected) will win a Digi of your choice!


alethea said...

NO idea who created these sneaks but love them anyway.. Logan will love them too!! HUgsxx

alethea said...

hahaha, just cheated Bec created the first one, Jac created the second one and mary created the third one!! LOL!! I don't need to win anything just thought that no one else had commented so thought I's be smart...LOL! Fab new images!! HUgsx